Last Updated: 14/05/2021

Support to the National Strategic Plan for elimination of malaria and prevention of re-introduction in Bhutan


The main goal is to achieve zero indigenous malaria in Bhutan by 2022 and obtain WHO malaria-free certification by 2025, through use of evidence based interventions, sustaining political support and mobilizing multi-sectors and community participation at all levels.

The plan sets out eight strategic objectives:
1. Strengthen targeted and focused preventive malaria interventions.
2. Establish rigorous quality assurance program for laboratory diagnosis and ensure prompt and effective treatment and follow up.
3. Strengthen services for surveillance for malaria case detection and rapid outbreak response system.
4. Strengthen effective collaboration and partnerships to support malaria elimination program.
5. Improve program management and performance.
6. Intensify advocacy and pursue effective IEC approaches for malaria elimination.
7. Conduct operational research on malaria elimination.
8. Strengthen monitoring and evaluation of malaria elimination program.

Rationale and Abstract

To achieve the above goals and objectives, the strategic framework will focus on the following action plans:

Strategic objective 1:
1.1 Updated risk stratification and mapping of receptive areas for geographical reconnaissance
1.2 Implementation of targeted and focused interventions based on risk strata

Strategic objective 2:
2.1 Strengthen national quality assurance program for malaria microscopy and RDTs
2.2 Sustain competency of health worker on malaria diagnosis and treatment

Strategic objective 3:
3.1 Strengthen epidemic preparedness, forecasting, early warning and response system
3.2 Conduct case-based investigation and response: ‘1-3-7 initiative’
3.3 Improve proactive case detection (PACD), including annual mass screening in mega hydropower project sites and border screening for malaria at exit/entry point for high risk groups/migrant workers
3.4 Strengthen capacity for entomology and insecticide resistance surveillance and response
3.5 Strengthen special events surveillance

Strategic objective 4:
4.1 Forge strategic partnership and collaboration with key stakeholders for malaria elimination
4.2 Strengthen cross-border and inter-country collaboration
4.3 Strengthen community engagement and participation

Strategic objective 5:
5.1 Strengthen resources, organization and management to sustain malaria elimination and prevent re-introduction
5.2 Invest in capacity building
5.3 Strengthen decentralized malaria elimination program

Strategic objective 6:
6.1 Conduct high level advocacy on malaria elimination
6.2 Raise awareness on malaria elimination among general population

Strategic objective 7:
7.1 Conduct operational research on malaria elimination

Strategic objective 8:
8.1 Reinforce implementation of supervision, monitoring and evaluation
8.2 Expedite for certification of malaria elimination