Last Updated: 31/07/2024

PMI VectorLink Burkina Faso


The main objectives of project are to:

  • Implement IRS operations in the districts of Kampti, Solenzo, and Kongoussi from 2018 to 2021, adapting to security issues as needed;
  • Conduct a mass distribution of 1.5 million PBO-synergist PermaNet 3.0 and 2 million dual-AI Interceptor G2 brand ITNs in 2019;
  • Deliver ITNs to pregnant women via antenatal care services and to children under one who have completed their vaccinations;
  • Assess the delivery of ITNs via routine health services;
  • Collaborate with IRSS and the NMCP to conduct monthly entomological monitoring in seven sites;
  • Complete an evaluation of the 2018 IRS campaign and finalize the 2021 IRS impact evaluation;
  • Provide technical support to the NMCP for planning and conducting a mini-IRS campaign in Dangouna and Lokiéhoun using leftover insecticide;
  • Complete a remote training-of-trainers for the 36-month durability monitoring of the 2019 mass ITN distribution; and
  • Wrap up work on the 36-month durability monitoring report for the 2019 mass ITN distribution.
Rationale and Abstract

Malaria remains a major public health issue in Burkina Faso and is endemic throughout the country. In 2021, Burkina Faso accounted for 3.3 percent of total malaria cases and 3.4 percent of total malaria deaths. Malaria prevention and control activities are guided by a national malaria control strategy, which supports the long-term vision of eliminating malaria in Burkina Faso by 2030. The strategy includes support for vector control, seasonal malaria chemoprevention for children under five years of age, intermittent preventive treatment for pregnant women, case management, and behavior change communication. 

With the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) funding, indoor residual spraying (IRS) was included as a priority vector control strategy and was implemented annually from 2018 to 2021.

Activities and accomplishments:

  • PMI VectorLink Burkina Faso successfully implemented IRS in three districts (Solenzo, Kampti, and Kongoussi) with high malaria incidence rates, using mobile data collection at the spray operator level to collect all spray-related data to improve data quality and availability in a timely manner for rapid decision-making purposes. In addition, the project conducted monthly entomological surveillance activities to monitor vector bionomics to determine malaria vector density, species composition, biting and resting behavior, parity, and plasmodium sporozoite infection rates. The project also conducted insecticide susceptibility tests, in collaboration with the Health Sciences Research Institute (IRSS), to assess the residual efficacy of insecticides from the IRS campaigns, and durability monitoring on multiple types of ITNs from the 2019 mass ITN distribution campaign.
  • After four years working side-by-side with PMI VectorLink project in the three districts named above (in Solenzo, Kampti, and Kongoussi from 2018 to 2019, and Solenzo and Kampti from 2020 and 2021), the NMCP/Permanent Secretariat for Malaria Elimination (SP/Palu), with the support of a private mining company, took the lead on a first of its kind, small-scale, government-led IRS campaign in 2022 to spray over 4,700 homes in Dangouna and Lokiéhoun, protecting close to 15,500 people, including more than 400 pregnant women and 2,435 children under five. In addition to providing the insecticide, PMI VectorLink Burkina Faso provided technical assistance and supported SP/Palu’s planning activities while monitoring the campaign’s progress and guiding the team when needed.
  • Burkina Faso faced significant security challenges at the national level throughout the project, affecting all project operations but, in particular, the work carried out by IRSS, PMI VectorLink’s main entomology partner in Burkina Faso. The IRSS team, with PMI VectorLink’s support, adopted an effective community-led approach which enabled the team to complete all entomological and durability monitoring work in a timely manner and within the set deadlines, despite the severe security challenges.